5 Best Private Schools in Williamsburg VA [2024]

private schools in williamsburg va

 Seeking the Best Private Schools in Williamsburg, VA ? Look beyond historic charm – this thriving town fosters curious minds! Imagine classrooms buzzing with inquisitive students, fueled by passionate teachers. Individualized attention allows young minds to take flight!

Whether your child thrives in a faith-based environment, craves a curriculum rich in the arts, or flourishes in small, personalized settings, or are seeking structure, discipline, and leadership development, Williamsburg has the perfect fit.

Explore the top 5 private schools in Williamsburg VA and discover where your child’s unique talents can truly flourish. This guide is your key to finding the school that will awaken your child’s intellectual spark


1. Best Christian Private School-Williamsburg Christian Academy

private schools in williamsburg va

Williamsburg Christian Academy

Imagine a place where education ignites a passion for learning, faith deepens understanding, and students blossom into confident leaders.

 This isn’t just a dream – it’s the vibrant reality at Williamsburg Christian Academy (WCA), a private school in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Rooted in Faith, Reaching for Excellence

WCA goes beyond textbooks.  

Here, a Christ-centered approach forms the cornerstone of their curriculum. 

Daily Bible studies and chapel services weave Christian values into the fabric of learning, fostering not only academic achievement but also a strong moral compass. 

This focus on character development equips students to navigate the world with integrity, compassion, and a commitment to serving others.

A World of Discovery Awaits

At WCA, your child will embark on a captivating educational journey, where:

  • Curiosity reigns supreme: Spacious classrooms transform into miniature laboratories, art studios, and sensory gardens, all designed to spark a love of exploration and discovery.
  • The International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum empowers: WCA is an IB World School, offering a challenging and globally recognized program that prepares students for college success and beyond.
  • Individuality is celebrated: Dedicated teachers cater to diverse learning styles, ensuring each student receives the support and guidance they need to thrive.

Investing in the Whole Child

WCA recognizes that each student is unique, with their own gifts and talents.  

Their passionate faculty provides personalized attention, fostering a love of learning and encouraging students to reach their full potential. 

Beyond academics, WCA cultivates strong social-emotional skills, preparing students to become responsible citizens and confident leaders.

A Thriving School Community

WCA fosters a welcoming and supportive environment where students feel valued and connected. 

A vibrant extracurricular program allows them to explore their passions in athletics, fine arts, and a variety of student-run clubs. 

Family involvement is encouraged, fostering a strong sense of community that extends beyond the classroom walls.

Ready to Ignite Your Child’s Spark?

If you’re seeking a private school environment that fosters academic excellence, Christian values, and a love of learning, Williamsburg Christian Academy is the perfect place for your child.

Contact WCA today and schedule a tour to discover the exceptional learning experience that awaits!

2. Best Classical and Homeschooling Education School-Williamsburg Classical Academy

Williamsburg Classical Academy

Williamsburg Classical Academy

Imagine a inquisitive learning environment where your homeschooled child thrives alongside like-minded peers. A place that fosters a love of learning through the rich foundation of classical education. This isn’t a far-off dream; it’s the heartbeat of Williamsburg Classical Academy.

More Than a School, It’s a Community

WIlliamsburg Classical Academy isn’t your typical private school. It’s a co-educational haven for homeschool and independently tutored students from Pre-K all the way through 12th grade. Here, the focus isn’t just on academics (although that’s important too!). WIlliamsburg Classical Academy cultivates a supportive community for both students and families.

Independent Discovery Under a Classical Umbrella

The academy’s name perfectly encapsulates its philosophy. Williamsburg Classical Academy champions classical education, emphasizing critical thinking, logic, and the study of foundational subjects like history, literature, and science. But it goes beyond rote memorization. Students are encouraged to be inquisitive, to delve deeper, and to discover the joy of independent learning ,along with lively discussions.

Flexibility for the Modern Homeschool Family

Williamsburg Classical Academy understands that every homeschool family is unique. That’s why they offer a variety of programs to fit your needs. Whether you’re looking for a full-time academic experience or enrichment classes to compliment your homeschooling journey, Williamsburg Classical Academy has options for you. Many classes offer one or two-day-a-week schedules, providing flexibility for busy families.

A Worldview that Embraces Diversity

While Williamsburg Classical Academy meets at a church facility, it is important to note that they are a non-denominational organization. They welcome families and students of all faiths and backgrounds.  Some classes may incorporate a Christian worldview, but these are clearly marked, and the overall focus remains on academic excellence for all.

Ready to Learn More?

If you’re a homeschool family in Williamsburg looking for a dynamic and supportive learning environment steeped in classical tradition, then Williamsburg Classical Academy deserves a closer look

3. Best Montessori Private School: Ixora Montessori


private schools in williamsburg va

Ixora Montessori

In the heart of historic Williamsburg, Virginia, Ixora Montessori fosters a captivating private school experience. 

Here, young minds blossom through exploration and self-discovery, nurtured by the principles of the Montessori philosophy. 

More than just classrooms, Ixora Montessori creates a nurturing environment that ignites a passion for learning and empowers children to become independent thinkers.

The Montessori Method: A Pathway to Independence

Ixora Montessori embraces the Montessori Method, a philosophy that fosters a love of learning that lasts a lifetime. 

Through meticulously prepared learning materials, engaging hands-on activities, and individualized guidance from certified Montessori teachers, children are encouraged to explore at their own pace.  

This fosters a sense of ownership over their learning journey, building confidence and independence.

A World of Discovery Awaits

Imagine a vibrant learning environment where:

  • Curiosity reigns supreme: Spacious classrooms transform into miniature laboratories, art studios, and sensory gardens, all designed to spark a love for exploration.
  • Practical life flourishes: From mastering self-care tasks to preparing food, children gain valuable real-world skills that build confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Collaboration takes center stage: Through group activities and teamwork, children develop essential social skills and a strong sense of community.

Nurturing the Whole Child

Ixora Montessori recognizes the unique potential within each child.  

Their dedicated and certified teachers act as facilitators, guiding children on their individual learning journeys.  

The focus is on fostering critical thinking, nurturing a love of learning, and empowering children to become self-directed and responsible individuals.

A Vibrant School Community

Ixora Montessori extends beyond the classroom walls. 

Optional before and after care programs provide additional support for working families.  

The school fosters a strong sense of community through family events, celebrations, and a shared commitment to the Montessori philosophy.

Ready to Ignite Your Child’s Curiosity?

Ixora Montessori offers a unique private school experience in Williamsburg, Virginia, designed to nurture a love of learning and empower exploration. 

If you’re seeking an environment that celebrates your child’s individual potential and fosters independence, look no further!  

4. Best Early Childhood Education School-Goddard School Pre-School

Goddard School

Goddard School

Williamsburg, Virginia, isn’t just about historic charm – it’s also home to The Goddard School, a learning oasis for curious young minds embarking on their early childhood journey. 

Here, forget about rigid classrooms; instead, embrace a world where playful exploration ignites a lifelong love of learning.

More Than Sitting Still:

The Goddard School goes beyond traditional daycare. 

Their core philosophy revolves around a play-based curriculum designed for children from birth to kindergarten. 

 Imagine a world where your little one sings along in music class, learns basic sign language through interactive games, or unleashes their creativity with paints and clay.  

Every activity is meticulously chosen to nurture a love of learning while fostering essential social, emotional, and cognitive skills.

A Playground for Discovery:

Learning extends far beyond the classroom walls at The Goddard School of Williamsburg. 

Spacious outdoor play areas ignite a love for nature, while dedicated teachers guide exploration with age-appropriate activities.

 Whether it’s building sandcastles or chasing butterflies, playtime becomes a valuable learning experience, fostering curiosity and a connection with the environment.

A Nurturing Start for Every Child:

At The Goddard School, every young mind is unique.

 Dedicated teachers ensure personalized attention within small class sizes, fostering a sense of security and belonging. 

 The curriculum caters to a variety of learning styles and developmental stages, ensuring each child thrives in a nurturing and supportive environment.

A Community of Support:

The Goddard School fosters a warm and inviting atmosphere, feeling more like a second family than just a school.

 Parents are valued partners in their child’s early learning journey, with open communication and a strong sense of community.

A History Lesson in the Making

The Goddard School’s location in historic Williamsburg offers a unique opportunity.  

Proximity to historical sites and museums allows for enriching field trips that can further spark your child’s imagination and connect early learning to the real world. 

Imagine bringing history to life by exploring Jamestown or Colonial Williamsburg – these experiences can solidify concepts and create a love for lifelong learning that extends far beyond the classroom.

Unlocking Potential, One Playful Step at a Time:

If you’re searching for an early childhood program in Williamsburg that fosters a love of learning through play, exploration, and enrichment, then look no further than The Goddard School. 

5. Best Military Private School: Fishburne Military School

Fishburne Military School

Fishburne Military School

History whispers in the halls, and opportunity calls from the drill field at Fishburne Military School. 

Located just a stone’s throw from Williamsburg, Virginia’s charm, Fishburne offers an education unlike any other. 

Here, tradition meets innovation, fostering leadership, academic excellence, and a lifelong sense of brotherhood.

Forget the stereotypes of military schools.

Fishburne is a place where young men (grades 7-12) discover their strengths, build character, and prepare for success in college and beyond.  

This esteemed institution, one of the oldest military high schools in Virginia, is closer than you think – just a short drive from Williamsburg’s historic streets.

A Legacy of Excellence:

Founded in 1879, Fishburne boasts a rich history of academic rigor and military tradition. 

Dedicated faculty members inspire a love of learning, while the structured environment instills discipline and leadership skills that benefit students throughout their lives.

Beyond the Classroom:

Fishburne’s education extends far beyond textbooks. 

A variety of sports programs – from football and baseball to wrestling and rifle teams –  foster teamwork and a competitive spirit.

Additionally, a robust extracurricular program allows students to explore their artistic talents, delve into robotics, or develop their public speaking skills.

A Brotherhood Built to Last:

Fishburne fosters a unique sense of camaraderie. 

 Living and learning alongside classmates creates a supportive network of peers who become lifelong friends and brothers. 

This strong sense of community prepares students not only for academic challenges but also for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Williamsburg: A Bonus to Your Education:

Fishburne’s proximity to Williamsburg adds another dimension to the educational experience. 

Students can explore world-renowned historical sites, museums, and cultural events, enriching their understanding of history and the world around them.

Chart Your Course for Success:

If you’re seeking a school near Williamsburg that offers a unique blend of academic excellence, leadership training, and a supportive brotherhood, Fishburne Military School is the answer.  

From the nurturing, faith-based environment at Williamsburg Christian Academy to the innovative Montessori approach at Ixora Montessori, the rigorous academics at New Town School, and the foundational engaging childhood program  of Goddart School, Williamsburg’s private schools offer a dazzling array of educational gems.

This guide has hopefully opened your eyes to the unique strengths and philosophies of the top 5 private schools in Williamsburg , VA . 

Remember, the ideal school for your child depends on their individual needs and your family’s values.  

Schedule visits, explore programs, and connect with these dedicated educators. 

With so many exceptional options waiting to be discovered, you’re sure to find the perfect learning haven where your child’s intellectual spark can truly ignite and blossom into a lifelong love of learning.


5 Best Private Schools in Williamsburg VA [2024]

private schools in williamsburg va

 Seeking the Best Private Schools in Williamsburg, VA ? Look beyond historic charm – this thriving town fosters curious minds! Imagine classrooms buzzing with inquisitive students, fueled by passionate teachers. Individualized attention allows young minds to take flight!

Whether your child thrives in a faith-based environment, craves a curriculum rich in the arts, or flourishes in small, personalized settings, or are seeking structure, discipline, and leadership development, Williamsburg has the perfect fit.

Explore the top 5 private schools in Williamsburg VA and discover where your child’s unique talents can truly flourish. This guide is your key to finding the school that will awaken your child’s intellectual spark


1. Best Christian Private School-Williamsburg Christian Academy

private schools in williamsburg va

Williamsburg Christian Academy

Imagine a place where education ignites a passion for learning, faith deepens understanding, and students blossom into confident leaders.

 This isn’t just a dream – it’s the vibrant reality at Williamsburg Christian Academy (WCA), a private school in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Rooted in Faith, Reaching for Excellence

WCA goes beyond textbooks.  

Here, a Christ-centered approach forms the cornerstone of their curriculum. 

Daily Bible studies and chapel services weave Christian values into the fabric of learning, fostering not only academic achievement but also a strong moral compass. 

This focus on character development equips students to navigate the world with integrity, compassion, and a commitment to serving others.

A World of Discovery Awaits

At WCA, your child will embark on a captivating educational journey, where:

  • Curiosity reigns supreme: Spacious classrooms transform into miniature laboratories, art studios, and sensory gardens, all designed to spark a love of exploration and discovery.
  • The International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum empowers: WCA is an IB World School, offering a challenging and globally recognized program that prepares students for college success and beyond.
  • Individuality is celebrated: Dedicated teachers cater to diverse learning styles, ensuring each student receives the support and guidance they need to thrive.

Investing in the Whole Child

WCA recognizes that each student is unique, with their own gifts and talents.  

Their passionate faculty provides personalized attention, fostering a love of learning and encouraging students to reach their full potential. 

Beyond academics, WCA cultivates strong social-emotional skills, preparing students to become responsible citizens and confident leaders.

A Thriving School Community

WCA fosters a welcoming and supportive environment where students feel valued and connected. 

A vibrant extracurricular program allows them to explore their passions in athletics, fine arts, and a variety of student-run clubs. 

Family involvement is encouraged, fostering a strong sense of community that extends beyond the classroom walls.

Ready to Ignite Your Child’s Spark?

If you’re seeking a private school environment that fosters academic excellence, Christian values, and a love of learning, Williamsburg Christian Academy is the perfect place for your child.

Contact WCA today and schedule a tour to discover the exceptional learning experience that awaits!

2. Best Classical and Homeschooling Education School-Williamsburg Classical Academy

Williamsburg Classical Academy

Williamsburg Classical Academy

Imagine a inquisitive learning environment where your homeschooled child thrives alongside like-minded peers. A place that fosters a love of learning through the rich foundation of classical education. This isn’t a far-off dream; it’s the heartbeat of Williamsburg Classical Academy.

More Than a School, It’s a Community

WIlliamsburg Classical Academy isn’t your typical private school. It’s a co-educational haven for homeschool and independently tutored students from Pre-K all the way through 12th grade. Here, the focus isn’t just on academics (although that’s important too!). WIlliamsburg Classical Academy cultivates a supportive community for both students and families.

Independent Discovery Under a Classical Umbrella

The academy’s name perfectly encapsulates its philosophy. Williamsburg Classical Academy champions classical education, emphasizing critical thinking, logic, and the study of foundational subjects like history, literature, and science. But it goes beyond rote memorization. Students are encouraged to be inquisitive, to delve deeper, and to discover the joy of independent learning ,along with lively discussions.

Flexibility for the Modern Homeschool Family

Williamsburg Classical Academy understands that every homeschool family is unique. That’s why they offer a variety of programs to fit your needs. Whether you’re looking for a full-time academic experience or enrichment classes to compliment your homeschooling journey, Williamsburg Classical Academy has options for you. Many classes offer one or two-day-a-week schedules, providing flexibility for busy families.

A Worldview that Embraces Diversity

While Williamsburg Classical Academy meets at a church facility, it is important to note that they are a non-denominational organization. They welcome families and students of all faiths and backgrounds.  Some classes may incorporate a Christian worldview, but these are clearly marked, and the overall focus remains on academic excellence for all.

Ready to Learn More?

If you’re a homeschool family in Williamsburg looking for a dynamic and supportive learning environment steeped in classical tradition, then Williamsburg Classical Academy deserves a closer look

3. Best Montessori Private School: Ixora Montessori


private schools in williamsburg va

Ixora Montessori

In the heart of historic Williamsburg, Virginia, Ixora Montessori fosters a captivating private school experience. 

Here, young minds blossom through exploration and self-discovery, nurtured by the principles of the Montessori philosophy. 

More than just classrooms, Ixora Montessori creates a nurturing environment that ignites a passion for learning and empowers children to become independent thinkers.

The Montessori Method: A Pathway to Independence

Ixora Montessori embraces the Montessori Method, a philosophy that fosters a love of learning that lasts a lifetime. 

Through meticulously prepared learning materials, engaging hands-on activities, and individualized guidance from certified Montessori teachers, children are encouraged to explore at their own pace.  

This fosters a sense of ownership over their learning journey, building confidence and independence.

A World of Discovery Awaits

Imagine a vibrant learning environment where:

  • Curiosity reigns supreme: Spacious classrooms transform into miniature laboratories, art studios, and sensory gardens, all designed to spark a love for exploration.
  • Practical life flourishes: From mastering self-care tasks to preparing food, children gain valuable real-world skills that build confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Collaboration takes center stage: Through group activities and teamwork, children develop essential social skills and a strong sense of community.

Nurturing the Whole Child

Ixora Montessori recognizes the unique potential within each child.  

Their dedicated and certified teachers act as facilitators, guiding children on their individual learning journeys.  

The focus is on fostering critical thinking, nurturing a love of learning, and empowering children to become self-directed and responsible individuals.

A Vibrant School Community

Ixora Montessori extends beyond the classroom walls. 

Optional before and after care programs provide additional support for working families.  

The school fosters a strong sense of community through family events, celebrations, and a shared commitment to the Montessori philosophy.

Ready to Ignite Your Child’s Curiosity?

Ixora Montessori offers a unique private school experience in Williamsburg, Virginia, designed to nurture a love of learning and empower exploration. 

If you’re seeking an environment that celebrates your child’s individual potential and fosters independence, look no further!  

4. Best Early Childhood Education School-Goddard School Pre-School

Goddard School

Goddard School

Williamsburg, Virginia, isn’t just about historic charm – it’s also home to The Goddard School, a learning oasis for curious young minds embarking on their early childhood journey. 

Here, forget about rigid classrooms; instead, embrace a world where playful exploration ignites a lifelong love of learning.

More Than Sitting Still:

The Goddard School goes beyond traditional daycare. 

Their core philosophy revolves around a play-based curriculum designed for children from birth to kindergarten. 

 Imagine a world where your little one sings along in music class, learns basic sign language through interactive games, or unleashes their creativity with paints and clay.  

Every activity is meticulously chosen to nurture a love of learning while fostering essential social, emotional, and cognitive skills.

A Playground for Discovery:

Learning extends far beyond the classroom walls at The Goddard School of Williamsburg. 

Spacious outdoor play areas ignite a love for nature, while dedicated teachers guide exploration with age-appropriate activities.

 Whether it’s building sandcastles or chasing butterflies, playtime becomes a valuable learning experience, fostering curiosity and a connection with the environment.

A Nurturing Start for Every Child:

At The Goddard School, every young mind is unique.

 Dedicated teachers ensure personalized attention within small class sizes, fostering a sense of security and belonging. 

 The curriculum caters to a variety of learning styles and developmental stages, ensuring each child thrives in a nurturing and supportive environment.

A Community of Support:

The Goddard School fosters a warm and inviting atmosphere, feeling more like a second family than just a school.

 Parents are valued partners in their child’s early learning journey, with open communication and a strong sense of community.

A History Lesson in the Making

The Goddard School’s location in historic Williamsburg offers a unique opportunity.  

Proximity to historical sites and museums allows for enriching field trips that can further spark your child’s imagination and connect early learning to the real world. 

Imagine bringing history to life by exploring Jamestown or Colonial Williamsburg – these experiences can solidify concepts and create a love for lifelong learning that extends far beyond the classroom.

Unlocking Potential, One Playful Step at a Time:

If you’re searching for an early childhood program in Williamsburg that fosters a love of learning through play, exploration, and enrichment, then look no further than The Goddard School. 

5. Best Military Private School: Fishburne Military School

Fishburne Military School

Fishburne Military School

History whispers in the halls, and opportunity calls from the drill field at Fishburne Military School. 

Located just a stone’s throw from Williamsburg, Virginia’s charm, Fishburne offers an education unlike any other. 

Here, tradition meets innovation, fostering leadership, academic excellence, and a lifelong sense of brotherhood.

Forget the stereotypes of military schools.

Fishburne is a place where young men (grades 7-12) discover their strengths, build character, and prepare for success in college and beyond.  

This esteemed institution, one of the oldest military high schools in Virginia, is closer than you think – just a short drive from Williamsburg’s historic streets.

A Legacy of Excellence:

Founded in 1879, Fishburne boasts a rich history of academic rigor and military tradition. 

Dedicated faculty members inspire a love of learning, while the structured environment instills discipline and leadership skills that benefit students throughout their lives.

Beyond the Classroom:

Fishburne’s education extends far beyond textbooks. 

A variety of sports programs – from football and baseball to wrestling and rifle teams –  foster teamwork and a competitive spirit.

Additionally, a robust extracurricular program allows students to explore their artistic talents, delve into robotics, or develop their public speaking skills.

A Brotherhood Built to Last:

Fishburne fosters a unique sense of camaraderie. 

 Living and learning alongside classmates creates a supportive network of peers who become lifelong friends and brothers. 

This strong sense of community prepares students not only for academic challenges but also for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Williamsburg: A Bonus to Your Education:

Fishburne’s proximity to Williamsburg adds another dimension to the educational experience. 

Students can explore world-renowned historical sites, museums, and cultural events, enriching their understanding of history and the world around them.

Chart Your Course for Success:

If you’re seeking a school near Williamsburg that offers a unique blend of academic excellence, leadership training, and a supportive brotherhood, Fishburne Military School is the answer.  

From the nurturing, faith-based environment at Williamsburg Christian Academy to the innovative Montessori approach at Ixora Montessori, the rigorous academics at New Town School, and the foundational engaging childhood program  of Goddart School, Williamsburg’s private schools offer a dazzling array of educational gems.

This guide has hopefully opened your eyes to the unique strengths and philosophies of the top 5 private schools in Williamsburg , VA . 

Remember, the ideal school for your child depends on their individual needs and your family’s values.  

Schedule visits, explore programs, and connect with these dedicated educators. 

With so many exceptional options waiting to be discovered, you’re sure to find the perfect learning haven where your child’s intellectual spark can truly ignite and blossom into a lifelong love of learning.


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